Monday, June 30, 2008

Two black mice and one white

Two black mice, one white; a green crocodile, a pink elephant and a white ball. Her play times (of at least an hour) each day. And she checks that all her toys are there. These exercise sessions are essential for her paralysed arm according to our vet, who tells us this evening that she may put a metal plate in Tikka's paw to straighten it. We're not sure though, don't want to distress her. On the subject of distress, I was bringing my paintings back from the Perugia show yesterday evening when the car went dead on me. Sunday evening. 9pm in the middle of nowhere and the other side of the mountains. Went back today to retrieve it. Thankfully car intact and all paintings inside. 31C and frying in the heat I was and I was helped by angels to get the car to a place of safety. Real angels.

Witchcraft tips

In the evening of the full moon, wander down to the forest with Bessie for protection and collect handfalls of wild rose petals from the wood below the hunters lodge, yellow ginestra flowers from a little lower down (but don't wander too far, dear). Then, when you are safely home, soak them in cold spring water from the magic fountain at Rustici, over night under the light of the full moon. In the morning splash your body, in particular your hair and head with the cold flower infused water...and this will sharpen your mind and body and protect you from spells and periods of depression.


adina said...


Tikka is really fantastic, I like kittens very much because they play a lot, I don't know what it's in their heads, maybe they see in every thing that has a particularly movement some kind of life form ... but then what happens when they get bored of the same object? "Oh, it's just a toy or a sleeve, where was I thinking?!" they say(?)

I just hope that one day her little paw will be cured.


Bernhard Warner said...

Il rospo e' tornato? Che buona notizia! ... I'm a big fan of toads, particularly ones that hold up houses.
